Sunday, June 9, 2013

Phil Sanders at Figment on Governors Island

This was the first year that Day de Dada did not participate in Figment since the first one in 2007. So I was excited when I found that Phil Sanders project was part of Figment! Phil has been in several Day de Dada events, so we consider him part of the team. He always brings an amazing way of creating images using new technology. A digital and interactive media artist, educator, and curator, creating computer art and interactive electronic installations, he has a long resume of well respected venues.

His project "Blue Sky Palace" is based on a chalk drawing piece that he did at Snug Harbor Cultural Center for Connect the Dots in 2009, from a hand-digitized photograph of a Tibetan monk from the early 20th century. 

The Figment process included a photo portrait being taken, digitized, highly pixelated and then rendered in chalk. The  image here shows my chalk portrait and you can see in the right top corner the print of the digitized image that was used. The black chalk was running out so we got creative with the background color. A very abstracted Mary...

Here is Phil digitizing the photo
Creating the grid
And another chalk portrait

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